Home Tour: Our English Home

I’ve been meaning to show you our new home in England for weeks now but I’ve been putting it off thinking “oh if I just wait a little bit it’ll look better, more organized, etc.” I finally realized this week that homes are really always a work in progress, especially when you move every 1-3 years like we do and try to fit into all sorts of different houses! So today, here is our new home and some thoughts on making military housing look like home no matter where it is!

This is the living room when we first arrived at our new house. I have to admit, this blue carpet was really worrying me before we moved-I knew we’d have the bright carpet but was relieved it wasn’t quite as bright as I though it would be once we got here. I also hated those lampshades hanging from the ceiling and the dull wall colored curtains.

Here is the living room now! Before our furniture even arrived I bought some inexpensive lampshade locally and once our belongings arrived you know I had to put up puddling white linen curtains! (See this post for the curtain saga from the last house in DC and this post to see our home tour from our North Carolina home.)

Doesn’t the ceiling light look so much better now??

Here’s the other angle of the sectional. Having our decor really made the place look like home. The big watercolor is of the Basilica Palladiana in Vicenza, Italy where we lived when we were first married. The wooden screen came from my grandparent’s tour of duty in Okinawa in the mid 1960s. (At least the military offers lots of travel opportunities!)

And of course my husband’s favorite thing to unpack was our TV-I swear he was wiring it up before the movers even left! After spending two months watching TV on laptops he was excited to get it up and running. (And figuring out how to stream college football overseas!) It’s sitting on our thrifted buffet turned media stand I shared with you a few years ago and the chair from my old office fits well there with the yellow rug (and hides the huge transformers we have to use to confert the voltage for our US electronics!)

When we first arrived we were able to borrow some furniture to use until ours arrived which was very nice, but it definitely wasn’t my style. Here is the dining room as it was when we first arrived.

Here is the dining room now looking from the kitchen.

And this is looking from the living room through to the backyard. This room got a new lampshade as well and the same IKEA white curtains as the living room along with the dining room rug and furniture just as it was in the last house.

And really, don’t fresh flowers just add something so special to a home? My sweet husband always keeps me well stocked in flowers-hydrangeas and gladiolas are my favorites!

Just outside the dining room sliding door is a patio area, we’re not finished with the space but it’s a nice place to have coffee in the mornings (when it’s not raining!) (Here’s the Facebook video of when I was staining those chairs before we moved and my kids locked me out on the balcony on accident!)

The kitchen is very bright and I like that the cabinets are white with grey counters and flooring. We’re also lucky to have quite a large refrigerator for this country (and we have an extra freezer in the garage!)

The blue geometric rug really brightens up the space and I love the window filled with plants! Lots of cooking herbs as well as a cheerful succulent!

There were shelves over the stove that I filled with some of my collection of white ceramics and milk glass. Did you know that faking milk glass and ceramic was one of my first blog posts and still one of the most popular? I guess a lot of people like the look too!

We had an unused space opposite the window in the kitchen (next to a small pantry cabinet) and we converted it to a homework station for our three boys. It’s important to me that the computer is in a public area of the house for cyber safety reasons. We also hung my DIY Memo Board up to keep track of family information-I love those colors with the blue rug!

Here’s the front of the house when we were first here, that’s the Land Rover we bought when we arrived that managed to drive up all the way up to Scotland and then through Ireland!

Here’s the front porch now. We live in a community of international students and everyone hangs their flags up-it’s amazing to see how diverse the community is! Just from my porch I can see British, Nigerian, Brazilian, Nepalese, Jordanian and French flags!

You know I had to buy some English roses when I arrived!

And of course mums! I haven’t quite decorated for autumn yet with just getting settled but mums were a must, and the plant prices here are much more affordable than then US so far I’m finding.
As far as settling in, we’ve gotten pretty used to driving on the opposite side of the road and the kids are settling well into school as is my husband into the military course he’s taking. I’m finding a new rhythm of life now that I’m not homeschooling and have my days free.
I’m still working on the children’s rooms and there’s a lot of fine tuning the home’s organization systems to be done.
Speaking of organization-I have a little secret! I’ve been writing a book!
A real live, printed book!
It’s all about organization and how to organize your ENTIRE life in a way that’s totally doable, attainable, and not a bit overwhelming. I can’t wait to share more with you but in the meantime, leave me a comment with your biggest organization challenges. The book will be going to editing and formatting soon so I want to make sure every one of your concerns is addressed in it before I send it off.
Be sure to follow along on Facebook to see all of my Facebook live updates from the move and settling into our new home overseas!
You have done a wonderful job decorating.
Thanks so much Janine, it’s wonderful to feel like it’s home finally! ~Melissa
You’re welcome! I haven’t moved in a long time, but I do know the feeling of a place finally feeling like home. It’s a good feeling.
Love what you have done to your new home. Everything looks so fresh and inviting!
Thank you Jeannie, I definitely had to use some more color in this house than usual to compete with the blue carpet! ~Melissa
Looks great Melissa, nice and welcoming. It must be hard (and fun) redecorating every few years but at least you always have blog topics! Hope you stay in the UK is a good one!
Thanks for sharing your moving adventures. You have really transformed that space into a nice home for your family.
Thanks so much Pam, it’s definitely been an adventure! It is always fun to recreate “home” every time we move no matter where it is! ~Melissa
Amazing! Love all the changes you’ve made. Really looks comfy and cozy.
Thanks so much Annie, it’s been wonderful to feel “settled” again! Take care, Melissa
Hi Melissa,
Welcome to England, coming from a fellow American living here in the UK for over 6 years now. (I married a dashing British man, lol.) Love what you’ve done so far! Look forward to seeing more as you go along. 🙂
Wishing you many fun and interesting adventures while you’re here!
Thanks so much Anna! I’m loving it but have so much to learn, it’s funny how many things are different even though the language is the same! ~Melissa
Wow it looks great Melissa! And in the short time you have been there. You must have natural talent in decorating! Thanks for all your inspirations! Have a great day! Love your white milk glass!
Thanks so much Carol-it was easy to decorate because I overpacked a bit and brought lots of options!! ~Melissa
It looks great.. Very homey.. Enjoy your new adventures!
Thank you Andrea, we’re definitely enjoying it more now that we it looks like home again! ~Melissa
Love your english roses!!! Very nice decorating!!! That is nice looking out and seeing the different flags.
Thank you so much, we are really enjoying this experience, it’s so fun learning about so many other cultures! ~Melissa
You have made that drab housing look incredibly pretty and homey with your special touches and know-how!
You have made that drab housing look so incredibly pretty, homey and inviting with your special touches and decorating skills!
Thanks so much Corinne, it definitely feels like home now! ~Melissa
Love following you!! Looks like you are enjoying this new chapter of your life! As I was looking through the pictures, I zeroed in on the one with the wooden screen that was your grandparents–I have that Exact Screen : } My husband’s father was stationed on Okinawa from the late 1950’s to the early 1970’s. I’m sure they must have shopped at the same place : )
That’s so funny Alicia!! The only other person I’ve met with that same screen is Cassie from https://www.cassiebustamante.com/ She’s a blogger who found hers at a second hand shop…I love my screen-wouldn’t it be funny to hear the story of where they all came from?
I was able to get a little more information from my sister-in-law Betty!! Our Shoji screen was purchased around 1962 for a cost of $40-45 USD. She can’t remember if her Mom purchased it from a local maker or from a little shop on the island. Betty also purchased one a few years later. She just recently sold it when she moved from Alabama! Alicia : )
That’s amazing! I wish my grandparents were still around so I could compare info, my mom was pretty young when they were there so she does remember. I’ve had many people offer to buy mine but I could never part with it! ~Melissa
This home is gorgeous! I love it! Here’s an article I think you might like: How to Style a Shelf