Pottery Barn Knock Off Magnolia Wreath

Last week my Black Friday shopping plans were very rudely interrupted by a nasty stomach bug that invaded our home. Instead of searching for a Christmas tree and braving the crowds buying gifts I laid on the couch and did a little virtual window shopping. One of the items I ran across was this stunning magnolia wreath from Pottery Barn.

A close up of a Pottery Barn magnolia wreath with brown bow

It’s beautiful, isn’t it? I loved it so much but it was $89 and that just isn’t in my decorating budget this year.  So what’s a girl to do? How about raid the woods next to my house and harvest my own magnolia leaves to create a knock off wreath of my own?

A close up of magnolia leaves decorated as a wreath with a burlap bow

How to Make a Magnolia Wreath

This wreath was so easy to make and I’m in love with the way it turned out.  I used my usual pool noodle wreath base and simply hot glued magnolia leaves around the pool noodle until I achieved the look I wanted.  I didn’t want my wreath quite as full as theirs, and I didn’t want the brown leaves either.

An in process picture of adhering magnolia leaves to a foam wreath form

The entire project took me about an hour if you include trekking through the empty lot next to mine to gather magnolia leaves.  (And I only had two small spiders to contend with during the process!)

burlap magnolia wreath bow pottery barn

Have you hung up a winter wreath yet? Would you consider making your own magnolia wreath?

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  1. Heck yes, I would make a magnolia leaf wreath – I love it. It’n not like the usual wreath’s I see hangind on peopl’es door’s around here! As I am typing this, I am trying to look out my window, into the dark and see if my neighbor’s magnolia still has any leaves or if there are enough laying around their yard to make this with!!!

    1. Too funny Terri! It didn’t occur to me that people may not have magnolia leaves still, ours haven’t fallen or died yet. Guess I got lucky!

      1. You know Rachel, I’m in NC and I was thinking they might here too…I’ve never lived near one before so I wasn’t sure and so many readers are telling me theirs don’t have leaves anymore this year.

  2. Beautiful wreath! I’ve always wanted to make a magnolia wreath and we do have a magnolia tree in the yard but the leaves are all dead this time of year (more dead than the Pottery Barn leaves there), I’ll have to look for some fake ones I suppose. Thanks for reminding me to look for leaves!

    1. I didn’t think about that Heather-we’re in the South so those North of NC probably don’t have the leaves still. I’m not sure when ours will die, I haven’t had a magnolia this close to my house in a long time.

  3. I love it Melissa! I’ve been wanting to make a magnolia wreath for our home this year, but I never thought about using a pool noodle as a wreath base.

    I’ve seen them on sale everywhere for practically nothing in the last month or so – now I bet I have an interesting time trying to find one.

    What a cool idea. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Thanks Erica! I got my pool noodles at the dollar store, they were way hidden in the back, I had to ask someone. Good luck!! Oh-and if you use the noodle as the wreath base make sure you tape it up REALLY well-otherwise it will become teardrop shaped!

    1. Thanks Beth…we weren’t lucky enough to have a magnolia in our yard but there are two lots that haven’t been cleared in our neighborhood that have them. The one next door where I got my leaves is marked to be built up soon so I had to go harvest as much as I could-the tree is a goner-right in the middle where they will put the house. I wish I could move it to my yard!

  4. I just love the wreath!! You did a wonderful job on it!! I want to try and make one too!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer… From Dream To Reality!!

  5. I would definitely make a magnolia wreath….my mom and dad have the most beautiful magnolia in their front yard that would be perfect :o) Currently I have a Christmas garland on my front door!

    1. I’m jealous! I would love to have a magnolia in our yard but our lot had none. I’m thinking about planting one in the spring though.

  6. This turned out gorgeous!! I need a magnolia tree close by! I went to buy garland today and they only sold it in $25-$75 foot lenghts at $1 a foot. I was not ready to spend that much and have so much left over! I only needed about 6ft for my mantel, I guess I could use the rest to make a wreath or 4! thanks for sharing.You did a great job!

  7. This is awesome, I love it, and I want one. This even looks crazy easy…except that there are no magnolia trees anywhere around here and using teeny tiny live oak leaves would take the easy out of this project. I seriously love yours though, and the burlap bow is perfect!

    1. Oh Ashley, I’d trade my magnolias for live oaks! I used to live in Charleston, SC and love the huge oaks down there. My hubby wanted me to plant one here but they grow so slowly!

  8. {Melinda} It is lovely! I would do it in a heartbeat, but I don’t think I have any magnolia leaves in the lot next to my house. 🙂 You have such a beautiful blog here. So glad you visited on our SITS Day this week! Thank you! Am following you now.

  9. Thank you so much for sharing your great wreath at my Twirl & Take a Bow party! Stop by today to see it featured! Grab my featured button too! Have a great week.

  10. I love this! Don’t know why I am just seeing it 🙂 I have a beautiful magnolia tree planted outside my bedroom window. It’s special to me, because my dad planted it there before he passed away. It still has plenty of leaves, so I may gather some to make my very own wreath. Thanks for the inspiration!

    P.S. we met at the Southern Bloggers Convention. So nice to “see” you again 🙂 Kim

    1. Kim! Did I not get your card at the conference? I thought I was following everyone but I didn’t have you in my list! So glad you stopped by! Are you going to Haven next summer?

  11. Your wreath looks perfect! It is a wonderful knock off. Worthy to be pinned so I did!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  12. I love your Magnolia wreath! Am thinking about making one for a chorus fundraiser at my daughter’s school next December. Does anyone have suggestions on how to preserve and store one?? Thanks.

  13. I love this! I’m thinking about making one for a chorus fundraiser for my daughter’s school next December. Do you have suggestions on storing or preserving these? Thanks.

    1. Hi Susan, I actually don’t know anything about storing or preserving these and to be honest mine only lasted a couple weeks before turning brown and I took it down. I’m sorry not to be of more help! -Melissa

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