How to Regrow Green Onions

Maybe I’m the last person on the planet to figure this out but realizing I could regrow my own green onions just about blew my mind…I mean it’s so simple, right? I use green onions every week in my cooking and while they aren’t exactly weighing down my grocery bill, why buy them if you don’t have to?

green oions in jar with overlay text reading "Never buy green onions again"

Here’s how you do it: put them in water, give them sun, watch mother nature amaze you (and if you have kiddos they think it’s pretty neat to see how fast they grow too!

You can see the darker green of the new growth.  Also, I want to point out that my onions were pretty shriveled and old when I put them in the jar of water, I seriously doubted anything was going to happen, I thought for sure they were dead!

green onion bulbs in glass jar

That’s it! I don’t know if there is a limit on how long you can keep chopping and regrowing but I’ll certainly update this post if anything changes.  Right now I’m changing the water out once a week and they’re going strong a couple of weeks later!

Have you had any “duh!” moments in the kitchen or around the home, I’m so surprised I never thought to try this before!

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  1. I tried this awhile back and thought the new growth didn’t have as much flavor as the original. Did you notice this?

    1. I didn’t Rachelle but I usually use them in in dishes where they aren’t the “star of the show” so maybe I’m not noticing. Was it the first time you regrew them or after a bit of doing it?

  2. I have grown green onions this way for a while and it is definitely fun to watch them grow day by day! In my experience they only last for about 4-6 weeks because as Rachel says they seem to lose a bit of flavor and scent but I also notice an unpleasant odor from the water after a while, even when changing it frequently. Someone suggested to me that they might need a sunnier spot, but for now I get by with buying a fresh bunch every so often!

  3. You’re the second to last person to discover this because I had no idea. Now I’m one step closer to living off the land. And by that I mean off the food my kids drop on the floor.

  4. This is good info. I have regrown celery, but never thought of onions. Perfect when I just need a little bit for salad or soup.

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