DIY Summer Clothespin Wreath
Create a fun and unexpected summer craft with this easy tutorial showing how to make a Clothespin Wreath perfect for brighting your decor!

Last week I shared a DIY ombre sign made from wood shims and I have to tell you that I was so in love with that Glidden paint in Marine Blue that I had to “play” with it again when I made this fun and easy clothespin wreath!

Why I love this craft
- inexpensive: you can get your supplies at the Dollar store if you wanted!
- fast: the entire project takes about an hour depending on your paint drying time
- easy: it is so easy the kids can make their own with minimal supervision
- paint: I used Glidden White on White and Marine Blue
- foam paint brushes
- 10″ wire wreath form
- approximately 160 clothespins
- bakers twine
- scrapbook paper scraps
- chipboard letters
- hot glue

Step by step
- Hold your wreath form backwards so the curve is towards the BACK of the wreath and begin clipping clothespins to the outer metal ring. Be sure to clip the wire all the way into the clothespin-this helps keeps them in place.
- Continue clipping the clothespins until the entire ring is finished-this was a lot faster than you may think-less than 10 minutes total.
- Using a foam brush paint the front surface of the clothespins with Glidden paint in Marine Blue.
- Once the paint is dry clip a second ring of clothespins on the innermost metal ring overlapping the blue pins.
- Continue until the second ring is full. Paint the inner circle of clothespins with Glidden paint White on White with a dab of Marine Blue mixed in, just enough to give it a slight blue tint.
- Cut about 12″ of twine and use hot glue to attach scrapbook paper pennants and chipboard letters to create your banner. Tie to the back of the clothespins to attach. And you’re done, easy enough, right?

I love this little wreath and think it’s a fun summer project-and so easy you could do it with kids!

You could really change this clothespin wreath up so many ways! Change the colors to match your decor, paint it autumn colors and add a sunflower for the fall, make it a snowflake with white glittered paint, etc. The possibilities are endless!
I just LOVE this wreath! My son was born on the 4th of July and I was born on Flag Day, so I’m going to try and make one with 3 rows of pins and painting them red, white and blue.
Oh I’d love to see a picture if you make it Karen!!
That is so sweet! I love the Ahoy.
Thanks Melissa!!
This is so cute!
Thanks so much Mary Beth!
This is such a fun project- I love the way it turned out!
Thanks so much Rachel!!
So cute! Great idea for summer!
Thanks Marty!
This is beyond darling! I so want to try to make it!
That seriously is the most creative wreath ,or piece for that matter ever! Would look awesome as a patriotic wreath { red,white & blue} very nifty!
I love this, Melissa! I would love for you to share it at Project Pin-it!!
I really love this wreath & its beautiful color, but I got all the supplies to make it & when I try to clip the clothes pins onto the wreath the second set of clothes pins will not go onto the wreath right. I noticed your wire wreath’s spacing all around is wider. I thought all wire wreaths were the same size. Talk about frustrating.
Oh no Lila! I had no idea they weren’t all the same either-did you turn the wreath around to clip on the back side so when you’re holding it the very top and bottom wires are closest to you and the curved portion is facing away? That’s the only thing I can think of…let me know!
Yes I did do that so the wire wreaths have to be different sizes other than just 10 inches. Where you hook the clothes pins into the wire frame the spacing must be bigger on yours.
Yes I did do that so the wire wreaths have to be different sizes other than just 10 inches. Where you hook the clothes pins into the wire frame the spacing must be bigger on yours.
I’m very sorry about that Lila…My craft store only had one type in that size so I’ll check another store this week and update the post with more exact measurements. 🙁
What craft store did you get your wire wreath from?
I got it at AC Moore Lila, where did you get yours??
I got mine from Hobby Lobby.
That’s where I always used to shop Lila but we just moved and the closest one is 45 minutes away…I think I have a JoAnn’s I can check on this week thought o see if their measurements are different than mine.
I went to Michael’s yesterday and found a wider in between spacing wire wreath form and it seemed to work out fine. So apparently there are different sizes of wire wreath forms other than just the size itself. Like a 10 in, 16 in, 18 in, etc. The spacing in between the wires are definitely different sizes in different craft stores. I would like to send a pic to you of mine when I’m done with it to see what you think. How can I send that to you? I’m doing mine almost exactly like yours, but I bought a different brand of paint and my wreath is a lot bigger than your 10 inch wreath. Mine is 18 inches. I wanted a really big wreath for my mother-in-law who has a birthday coming up in August. It will look really nice on her door. I’m a very crafty person and so is my new husband’s family. I do wreaths, crochet, starting to sew a little(my mother-in-law just bought me a sewing machine for my b-day, but she shipped it to me a little early since my b-day isn’t until Aug 25th…lol), make bath salts, honey sugar scrubs, lip balm, etc. Anyway, just thought you’d like to basically know about the wire wreath thing. And thank you for the wonderful wreath idea. You have a good day!
This is such a cute wreath and the colors just say “summer”! Would love to have you post this
at our link party #OMHGWW
Hope we see you there!
I love the pretty colors you chose for your summer wreath. Very pretty.
Thank you Cyndee!
My spacing on my wreath form is fine ….from doller tree …12 inch ….. my clothes pins try to spin and flip . Any thoughts?
I clipped mine on all the way back so the flat portion was around the form, not the indented section. Will that work with the clothespins you have Pam? ~Melissa
My clothespin did the very same thing and I too bought it from Dollar
Tree! I spent hours trying to figure out what I had done wrong? Searched websites etc. It isn’t my first rodeo either I had made two patriotic wreaths with clothespins but, had bought them at Hobby Lobby. Even had my husband try and figure it out without an luck either. I so want to make a sunflower wreath with clothespins. I use spray paint to color the clothespins its super fast and doesn’t take much time to dry though I do let them dry overnight before assembling . I was able to make a beautiful deco mesh curly wreath out of the frame from Dollar Tree! The frame used here looks just like the one I had still shaking my head as to what went wrong. Might have to give it another try but, like you got frustrating!
Hot glue works
I found clothes pins for less than $2.00 at Walmart.Metal ring Dollar tree. Plan to make one this weekend
Me too!! Bought wire frame from Dollar tree and clothespins from Walmart. The pins just flip and flip. Was contemplating adding a bit of hot glue once the inner pins are placed. So the inner pins will maybe keep the outer pins in line 🙂 Cannot then replace them but at least I will get a fuller wreath.
I don’t have any trouble with mine. You have to put the clothes pin all the way down on the two wires were both holes on pin are on wire. It’s hard to explain
I have had problems to but then I noticed that my clothespins were 2 different sizes. I got some at Walmart and some at Dollar Tree.
If your pins are trying to spin and flip, its usually because you are only clipping to a single wire, instead of 2. Which isnt a big deal…when my back layer is just on the top single wire, once I’ve added the second inner ring of pins, I go around ( on the backside) with a bit of hot glue and just put a dab on the end of the pin and secure it to the pin it lines up with in the inner ring.
great tip!
Think I might try and do a sunflower
That would be very cute!!
I’m doing one for Easter
I like the sunflower ides and put a banner that says sunshine instead of ahoy.
I think I’d like to do the sunflower one also but I think I get a big fake sunflower from Dollar Tree and stick it in the middle. What do you think about that?
I have done a sunflower. I used yellow dye to die my pegs for the outer part and inner. However I also bought brown dye and stood the inner pegs in a pan to get an even edge on all of the inner circle pegs. Then I found a piece of dark brown burlap and traced a plate I found that was a little bigger than the inside circle. Cut it out and hot glued it down. Put a hanger on it to hang on my front door.
Did you paint the backs and insides of clothes Pin or just front that shows
I just painted the front that shows Beth, it wasn’t noticeable to have the insides raw wood. ~Melissa
I got my wire wreath and clothes pins from Walmart. But my wreath appears to be flatter than yours. Yours looks like it comes up like steps mine is just wires in a row. Is there away that I can bend the top row or should I get another one?
You probably have a flat wreath form. What you need is a Box Wreath Form.a
I purchase my metal ring and clothespins at Dollar Tree (now the 1.25 Tree) and never had a problem. Of course, I remove the two outer rows of the wreath with wire cutters and use the two bottom rows for the clothespins. Have made many of these and they are not quite so large and for me a better size. I use the outside ring for a different kind of wreath. Nothing goes to waste.