Red Door Home Tour – Exterior
We are really settling in well to our new home so I thought I would take a moment to show you around starting with the exterior. I shared a lot of posts about our progress building the house but having our things here is the icing on the cake!

You can see my Easy DIY Spring Wreath hanging on the front door, I love it there, it coordinates perfectly with the siding color. And what do you think of the red door? It’s Sherwin Williams Pompeii Red…hubby was a little nervous at first when I suggested it but I can’t imagine the house any other way now!

Its crazy hot in North Carolina already, the sun has been brutal, I’m assuming that is why the siding looks so light in the picture above. Its really more of a gray/blue/slate color.
The builder clear cut the front of the lot much to our chagrin but left the backyard uncut at our request. Within days of moving in we went to Lowes and bought some plants and trees for the front yard. (I always get my plants at Lowes if I can because if you keep the receipt and root ball they will refund your money if your plant dies the first year….for those of us struggling to have green thumbs its a nice reassurance!)
I was so excited to get some flowering trees and hydrangeas in the yard! We had Bradford Pears at our last rental and my husband really liked them but I heard they had weak wood, these Cleveland Pears are supposed to be a little stronger so we got one for each side of the house. In the front we planted a Dogwood….we have a naturally growing Dogwood in the backyard as well which is pretty neat.
Hydrangeas are my favorite flower so we planted five of them in the front yard as well. Three on one side of the driveway will hopefully grow large enough to distract from the two ugly utility boxes we have in the yard. I planted two on the opposite corner of the property to balance it out.

We’ll be putting in a fence sometime in the next month or so and I’d like to get some peonies and roses down the line but I’m trying to pace myself! I’ve already promised the boys we’d start a vegetable garden soon too!
Here is some fun floral eye candy for you!

Our Hydrangeas

Nothing cuter than Hens and Chicks, these guys are on the porch in a little Target $1 aisle bucket!

Ahh, Bacopa….my heart melts for you!

Geraniums…the perfect summer flower!
Thats all for now, I’ll post the backyard soon-trying to let that grass grow a bit first!
Your door looks beautiful! Your whole house and yard do as well!!
I know this was a SUPER long time ago, but do you happen to know the color you used for the blue/gray paint exterior? I love that color so much!