DIY Beadboard Headboard

DIY blue bead board headboard

I recently made a Pirate Sail “headboard” for my middle son and my oldest wanted a headboard of his own.  I saw a version from Pottery Barn Kids but not the $600 price tag.

I also only wanted a headboard, not an entire frame.  I decided to build my own version after the success of building a headboard for our master bedroom.

To start the build I measured my son’s bed and estimated what I wanted the dimensions of the final piece to be.  I bought some plywood and a sheet of pre-primed beadboard at Lowe’s for less than $20 and cut it to my desired dimensions with a circular saw.  I had other random boards on hand that I used to frame it out.

An in progress picture of making a DIY blue bead board headboard

I used wood glue and wood screws for the assembly.  It literally took an hour all together.  I primed and spray painted the headboard with the leftover blue paint from the American Flag Pegboard that hang’s over Jack’s desk. Easy-Peasy!

I highly recommend that anyone who wants to start building their own furniture go run, not walk, to Ana White’s site-its an amazing resource for how to get started and has literally hundereds of building plans.  If I can do it anyone can!

Here’s the finished piece.  Not bad for less than $30 in supplies!

DIY blue bead board headboard with a twin bed for a child

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  1. This is stupid awesome! I love what you’ve done! And yes, I LOVE Ana White, like in a very straight love affair with her…

  2. This is Gorgeous! I just love the simplicity and the beautiful navy blue color! Hope you will stop by and share with my Pink Hippo party.. I am your newest follower~
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

  3. Visiting from DIY Dreamer – love this project! I have three boys would would love that bed! Sarah @

  4. LOVE it Melissa!! Way to go!!!! I’m thinking of doing something similar for Gabrielle’s room… but I must finish Emanuelle’s room first. haha

    Thanks for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

  5. Great job making the headboard! It looks just as good if not better than the original and pricey PB inspired project!

  6. LOVE this!! I’m about to redo my son’s bedroom…this would be PERFECT! Thanks so much. Pinned! 🙂

  7. Stopping by from HOH to say that I love that headboard! And I love how versatile beadboard is! Nice job 🙂

  8. The colors that you choose are beautiful, it looks very masculine and calm with different shades of blue. Thank you for sharing this one, a great inspiration for my brother’s bedroom.

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