Alphabet Rocks
I don’t entirely understand it, but little boys seem just enamored by rocks so what’s a Mom to do? Well, when I spotted these Alphabet Rocks made by Cheri on I am Momma-Hear Me Roar and knew that I had to make some for my boys.
I started by picking up a bag of River Rocks in the candle section of Walmart (the bag was just under $5). I didn’t have enough primary colors of acrylic paint like she used so I dug up some paint pens of my husband’s. (The wicker placemat strategically placed behind my supplies in the picture below conceals the chaos that seems to be my house this week!)
I, being the wise Mommy I am, decided to make two sets because asking two little boys to share one set was asking from trouble. After I painted on the letters I outlined them in black permanent marker to make them stand out a bit. Once they were all finished I sprayed them with a clear acrylic sealer.
I love the way they turned out! My boys do too! My older son (4) can spell out words with them and my younger son (3) can practice his letters and sounds as well as sort by colors!