10 Must Know Cleaning Hacks
When it comes to cleaning your home, anything that saves time and energy is a blessing! These Cleaning Hacks will help you clean your home fast so you can get back to the fun stuff!

When I started this blog five years ago it was as a hobby, my little corner of the internet to share things that I was doing and tips I had found that made my life easier (and therefore made me a “happier homemaker!”)
Over the years I’ve loved hearing from readers who have benefited from things I have shared so I thought I’d round up today ten of my all time top cleaning hacks. These are the tips and tricks that really save time and offer solutions to problems that you may have given up on. Which one will you try first?
My Top 10 Cleaning Hacks
How to Clean Your House in One Hour
This post actually just surpassed this recipe as my all time most popular post. It has a ton of comments on it and I get emails from people all the time who don’t believe you can do it.
This is a one-hour, no-nonsense whole house cleaning plan. It’s not a deep clean-more like finding out you’re having guests at the last minute-but it CAN be done! I’ve even done it live on social media to prove my naysayers wrong!
How to Remove and Prevent Fingerprints on Stainless Steel
This is another cleaning hack post that has a ton of comments (take the time to read them-very good tips from readers too!) With three little boys my refrigerator was always covered in fingerprints. I found an easy way to remove them and PREVENT them from coming back! Such a simple trick!
How to Clean a Top Load Washing Machine
It’s hard to get your clothes clean if you don’t take the time to keep your washing machine clean-and you’d be surprised how dirty it gets over time. This step-by-step tutorial gives you the simple steps will keep it sparkling so it can do it’s job!
How to Clean Oven Glass (inside, outside and in between!)
I used to think I just had to live with those gunky stained that were in between the panes of glass on my oven-no more! I tried a few different methods and this is what I found to really work and as a bonus, there are no nasty chemicals!
How to Clean and Deodorize Your Sink Naturally
I’m not a fan of doing dishes and I’m definitely not a fan of doing dishes in a stinky, gunky sink! If you’ve ever struggled with a stinky sink, this cleaning hack post is for you. It has the steps to get it not only sparkling but remove those lingering smells that can come from the drain!
How to Clean a Keurig
Did you know that you’re supposed to regularly clean your Keurig machine? If you can’t remember the last time you cleaned your machine or you’ve been feeling like you aren’t getting quite as much or quite as tasty coffee lately you need to read this post now! It will walk you through cleaning your Keurig step by step easily!
How to Clean Your Dryer
Well, you knew if I helped you clean your washer I’d help you clean the dryer too! This tip is doubly important because not cleaning your dryer can risk it becoming a fire hazard!
How to Get Rid of Boy Smell in the Bathroom
I put off writing this post forever because it’s not the most pleasant of subjects but as the mom of three boys I had picked up some tips and tricks that I couldn’t resist sharing. If you can relate to having that “boy smell” in the bathroom, you need this tutorial now1
How to Wash and Whiten Pillows
I’m a stickler for clean linens but it’s important not to forget to clean the pillows themselves periodically. If it’s been a while since you’ve washed and whitened your pillows, here’s how to do it the right way!
How to Clean Your Dishwasher
Just like your washing machine, your dishwasher can’t do its job properly if you don’t keep it clean-luckily it takes only a few steps and doesn’t require any harsh chemicals! You need to try this tutorial today!
So those are my top ten cleaning hacks-what is your favorite trick for keeping your home clean?