Daily Cleaning Schedule

Get control of your home with this printable, customizable free daily cleaning checklist. With this cleaning list, you can see daily tasks at a glance, making keeping your home sparkling a breeze!

A printable weekly checklist

With three boys, three pets, and 3500 square feet to keep clean, I absolutely could NOT survive without being organized when it comes to cleaning.  I tend to be easily distracted and I need a visual list to keep me on task and remind me what needs to get done (otherwise my bathrooms would never get cleaned!)

I first shared my printable cleaning list way back in 2013 and have recently updated it for you all, here is my personal list currently:

A printable weekly checklist

When I updated the printable I left the days blank so that you could customize it to suit your own schedule and family. I’ve learned that over the years as my family has changed, I’ve had to adjust my cleaning schedule to fit our lifestyle. I truly believe there is no “one size fits all” approach to cleaning!

By sharing my own schedule, I hope you can be inspired to print this schedule and create your own personal cleaning schedule.

Click Here to Download the Printable

Cleaning Tasks for Every Day

Here are a few basic things that I do everyday:


I cannot relax when there are dirty dishes on my counters.  I try to rinse dishes throughout the day and load them in the dishwasher.  Then I run the dishwasher at bedtime and unload first thing in the morning as my tea is brewing.  It takes minimal time and prevents the build up of dirty dishes throughout the day.

Wiping Countertops

In the kitchen I wipe down the countertops at least once a day in the evening. This orange basil infused vinegar is great for this purpose! 

In the bathrooms, I keep Clorox wipes under each sink and give the counters and sinks a quick wipe down in the morning after my boys have gone to school.


All beds get made first thing in the morning and clutter is put away in the evenings before bed. My boys do their best to make their beds (with ample “reminding”-keeping it real here people!) and I straighten their beds a bit after they are off to school.

They also have to tidy up the toys in their room before bedtime-this mama has stepped on a few too many Legos in the middle of the night so this is another must for our home!

Sweep/Vacuum Main Living Areas

I’m sure some people can get away with not having to do this everyday but the main living area of our home is all wood and shows dirt like a champ. I have to sweep the floors at least once a day or I will go insane, luckily it only takes about five minutes to do a quick sweep.

Click Here to Download the Printable

Daily Cleaning Tasks Through the Week

After those basics get done everyday I have a few additional items to do each day of the week.


Monday morning I strip all the bed linens and put them in the wash first thing in the morning.  As soon as they are finished I remake the beds-it saves me the step of folding them! I am very adamant about cleaning the linens once a week-with skin shedding, mites, and other eebie-jeebie stuff it’s one of my “things.”

I also do 1-2 loads of laundry twice a week to stay on top of it.  When my children were babies and I stayed home most of the time I would do one huge laundry day a week, but with sports and busy schedules, it works best for me to do a couple loads on Sunday to prep for the week and another few mid-week. Make sure your laundry schedule works for you! (More laundry tips here.)

Helpful hint: It helps me to keep the buzzers on the washer and dryer on so I promptly switch out laundry and fold it as each load finishes throughout the day.


My absolute least favorite chore is bathrooms! With 3 boys you can imagine the horrors that await me in our bathrooms!  That being said, making sure it gets cleaned twice a week does help keep things under control and therefore easier to clean and upkeep. 

I already wipe down the counters daily so on bathroom cleaning days I clean the toilets-including wiping down the exterior and around the bolts on the bottom, give the showers/bathtubs a quick scrub then sweep and mop the floors. 

I do a second fast clean of the bathroom later in the week if needed, it is usually okay but like I said, with three boys, you never know!

FYI-My boys do clean their own bathrooms now, but I still check them after they clean. See my kid’s bathroom cleaning checklist and more about how I taught them to take care of their own spaces.

Glass and Mirrors

I clean all the mirrors and glass on the same day I do the bathrooms because I already have my Windex out. It usually takes only 15 minutes to walk around the house quickly and clean our glass coffee table, wall mirrors, and glass doors. 


I dust all the wood furniture, picture frames, decor, and wipe down the cabinet fronts in the kitchen on dusting day.  I use a swiffer dusters and use the extender arm duster to also dust the baseboards around the house and give the ceiling fans a quick dusting.


The kitchen has a few different tasks that can be done all in one day or spread throughout the week. I clean out the fridge at our house on Mondays, but only because that is the evening we put our trash out to the curb. Doing it that day reduces trash can smells from old food!

I also clean the interior of the microwave and wipe down the outside of the appliances in the kitchen-we have stainless steel so fingerprints can be an issue. (Click here to see how to remove and prevent fingerprints on stainless steel!)


Finally the floors!  As I mentioned, I do a fast sweep, Swiffer, or vacuum daily to pick up dust bunnies or dirt the dog carried in but twice a week I will do a thorough vacuum of the house.

Our home is about 50-50 wood flooring to carpet so it doesn’t take but 15 minutes to vacuum the carpets. On my mid-week vacuum day, I leave my vacuum upstairs afterward so my boys can each vacuum their own rooms after school as well.

Once a week I take the time to mop the hard surfaces like the bathrooms and clean the wood floors. I use a steam mop on my tile floors (this one is similar to my older model) and this cleaning set for my hardwood floors. I’m very happy with both.

Creating Your Personal Cleaning Schedule

I have read a ton of blogs with advice for cleaning and I really think it’s a personal thing how you set up your cleaning schedule.  Many give the advice of doing one load of laundry per day and I know it works for some but for me it absolutely doesn’t.  I hate folding laundry and could never motivate myself to do it each day-so I as you can see I consolidate mine into a few intensive laundry-focused days. 

Click Here to Download the Printable

I’ve also had to adjust my schedule over the years as we’ve moved to different houses and our schedules change.  Make sure you do what works for you!

Another helpful hint: Once you get a good routine going, laminate the list so you can cross off tasks as you complete them and reuse the list week to week!

You can also find my printable Spring Cleaning List and Fall Cleaning List for more checklist goodness!!

Do you have trouble cleaning without a checklist like I do? What’s your least favorite cleaning chore?

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  1. I’ve got a cleaning schedule which works brilliantly most of the time. However, we’ve had loads of house guests recently so, altough my home looks tidy, it’s not as clean as I’d like as I’ve been entertaining them as well as preparing for my little girl’s birthday this week. You’ve inspired me to get back into my routine!

  2. The links to download your list (already completed) are no longer there (where you say “download here”.) Any chance you could change that? Thanks.

  3. I am an older female and bending over for any length of time does me in. Also have to use my garden kneeler to get up off my knees. I have a cleaning schedule for cleaning what is called “ the public Rooms” helps me so much. Think I will try your schedule to see if I get things done faster; if not as fast as you. I like crossing things off as I get them done, Helps me think zi am useful still. My babies are in their 60s. Thanks for the Schedule.

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