Meal Planner Printable

Are you ready to start meal planning? Check out this free printable meal planning worksheet to help you plan your meals and shopping list!

meal planning and shopping list worksheet

I had a system I used to plan out my grocery trips, sitting down before I head to the store and planning my meals for the week and adding the ingredients to the list.  Recently I realized I needed to tweak it a bit because I was forgetting to add things that I realized I needed during the week so the practice of sitting down to make the list all in one sitting wasn’t working.  To fix the problem I created a printable meal planner and grocery list all in one that I can keep handy in the kitchen all week long!

This printable helps me to plan not just dinners but all the meals my family will eat for the week. I can also add items to the list for my next trip as I realize I need them. It also helps when I’m scrambling to figure out what’s for dinner each night-just reference the shopping list from my last trip and voila-problem solved!

A blank one page weekly scheduler

I’ve been really trying to plan my breakfasts and lunches lately as well as snacks so I included all of those on the printable.  Planning what I’m eating all day helps keep me on track with healthy options (hello bathing suit season!) and keeps me from getting bored with the same old meals week after week.

To get your free printable menu planner and shopping list simply click here or on the image above.

I also have a full meal planning worksheet kit in my shop that is complete with freezer and pantry inventories as well as reference sheets to save your favorite recipes!

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  1. wow!! Totally love this post. You seem to have covered a lot of my problem areas in one go 🙂

    I really couldn’t live without Meal Planning. It saves me time, money and most importantly, my sanity.
    Another thing that it helps me with is the shopping. No more running out of essential ingredients for a dish! 🙂

    In fact, quite a while ago I launched GLAMPS – A simple Excel Meal Planner with an Automatic (Excel) Shopping List Generator via Gumroad.

    Would be happy to send you a copy for your review. Do let me know if you’d be interested & I can send you a link 🙂

  2. I’m having problems printing off your meal planner guide. It’s printing the whole background in black which uses up a lot of ink. The image shows a white background so I have no idea what’s happening.

      1. I’m trying to troubleshoot this Jamie, it is doing it for me now as well. I’ll come back to update this as soon as I get it figured out or I’ll just design and upload a new one if I can’t figure out why it’s not printing right anymore. -Melissa

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